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2nd Ivo's lightning handicap marathon


Pl.NameGradeGr.WinsPlayed games
1 Ivo Švec 1 k A 6/6 100% 4+ 6+ 11+ 3+ 12+ 6+  
2 Veronika Šmídová 12 k A 7/10 70% 3+ 5- 5+ 7- 4+ 4- 7+ 9+ 9+ 3+  
3 Barbora Waczulíková 15 k A 7/12 58% 7+ 2- 10+ 7- 6+ 10+ 5- 5+ 1- 6+ 9+ 2-
4 Erika Štulajterová 13 k A 4/7 57% 1- 6+ 6- 11+ 2- 2+ 15+  
5 Oliver Waczulík 18 k A 5/10 50% 12+ 2+ 2- 8- 8+ 3+ 3- 7- 12+ 9-  
6 Rafael Šimo-Svrček 11 k A 1/7 14% 4- 4+ 3- 1- 3- 1- 14-  
7 Alexandra Šmídová 14 k B 3/5 60% 3- 3+ 2+ 2- 5+  
8 Ľubica Laššáková 4 k B 1/2 50% 5- 5+  
9 Vladimíra Laššáková 16 k B 1/4 25% 2- 2- 3- 5+  
10 Barbora Karailieva 20 k B 0/2 0% 3- 3-  
11 Pavel Ondrejovič 4 k B 0/2 0% 4- 1-  
12 Juraj Waczulík 1 k B 0/3 0% 5- 1- 5-  
13 Miroslav Kostolanský 2 D C 1/1 100% 16+  
14 Peter Šimo-Svrček 11 k C 1/1 100% 6+  
15 Matúš Križan 10 k C 0/1 0% 4-  
16 Rastislav Vallo 6 k C 0/1 0% 13-  

2nd Ivo's lightning handicap marathon


Promoter and general sponsor: Ivo Švec.

Date: Traditionally alongside the Slovak championship in go at the weekend from 1 May to 2 May 1999.

Place: House of sport in Bratislava.

Time table: Marathon begins on Saturday 1 May 1999 at 8:00 and ends on Sunday 2 May 1999 at exactly 14:00. Games which will not be finished until this time will be excluded from the marathon.

Entry: Male player enters the competition by playing at least one game in the marathon at given time. Female player enters the same way, but it is better to sign up in advance.

Playing system: Every player in his free time instead of doing other pleasant activities chooses a comfortable seat and an oponent. Two players can play at most 2 games with each other. Playing time is 2x15 minutes, sudden death. It is played with full handicap according to Ivo's rules (they differ from the Japanese ones only in the unlimited number of the handicap stones which are placed on intersections according to one's will during the playing time). In the equal game komi is 5,5 points.

Criteria to define ranking: All the players will be divided into 3 groups A, B, C according to the number of the played games so that there will be the first third of the players (with the highest number of the played games) in group A, there will be the first half of remaining players in group B and the rest will be in group C. The number of players in each group will be rounded up. Final ranking will be determined so that the players of group A will end up the best followed by the players of group B and the last will be the players of group C. The players in each group will be ranked according to following criteria:

  1. percentage of winning games
  2. sex
  3. age

Main referee: Ivo who deals with all the controversial and abnormal cases and who explains all the unclear points, lines and curves. It is possible to appeal against the decision of the main referee to the general sponsor (and give him an adequate bribe).

Assistent referee: Comrade Coin.

Assistent female referee: According to the need, situation and choice. She does not have a decision-making right, but can have a some influence.

Entry fee: 1999,- USD (children under age of 100 have 100% discount).

Prizes: An enormous number of various prizes including an automobile, a personal computer and a bus trip. A consolation price is a "not cold" twelve.

Accomodation: Everyone sleeps wherever and with whoever he wants.

Meal: It is guaranteed for some but not for others.


  1. Automobile
  2. Book "Mathematical games"
  3. Pocket computer with two 8-bit registers
  4. CD with meditation music
  5. Sponsor's egg
  6. Bus trip according to one's choice with famous tourist agency in Bratislva
  7. Philosopher's stone
  8. Certain lectures from orthophysics
  9. Brainteaser
  10. Coins for veterans

Consolation prize for players of full age - "not cold" twelve
Consolation prize for underage players - egg


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